
In the same greenstriped sweather

Today is the day. (Yes, becuse it looks awful to wright with the wrong letters, I'm writing in english.)

We're leaving for the airport in 3, 5 hours and early in the morning we will once again enter Arlanda airport. It feels lika a veryveryvery long time ago, when Fancy and I sat in that hot bus from Apollo, with too little fresh air and too many and too loud children, wich took us to Villas Duc hotel. Fifteen days has passed since then and it's not just the sligtly more sunbronzed colour on my skin I'm taking home with me.

Fifteen days in the sun has done good to my mind, and I hope I'll be taking a little bit of it home with me. I'm also bringing a pretty boosted confidence with me. (It's not just greeks who likes blond Swedish girls) And, (Greece is two years ahead in fashion, but I loved it!) of course some new dresses!

Nu drar vi och inhandlar de sista barrisarna vi kommer att dricka denna rhodos resa, beger oss tillbaka till hotellet och utmanar Stockholmarna i YATZI!


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